Stack It Up

App Details

Stack It Up App

This game tests your hand and eye coordination. Try to stop the blocks so they stack on top of each other. Keep an eye on the blocks and your hand on the button.

The blocks will move from side to side and its your objective to stop the blocks so that they stack on top of each other. You only need to stack one block to complete the level. The blocks move faster and faster as you complete each level.

There are three difficulty settings.
* Easy - You get three blocks to stack so you have more room to make a mistake.
* Medium - You get two blocks to stack so you have more room to make a mistake.
* Difficult - You get one block to stack so no margin for error.

Play this game anywhere anytime on your iPhone and iPod touch. Great way for you, your friends and family to try to beat each others scores.

If you encounter a bug or problems, email

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